Here, you can find more information about the current research activities and the facilities available in the High Strain Rate Mechanics Lab.
Arthur Ding and Prof. Lambros
Thermoacoustic Fatigue
Thermoacoustic Fatigue
Robert Waymel and Prof. Lambros
2D Packed Granular Bead Configuration
Group photo, July 2016.
Prof. Lambros and Manue Martinez
Volume Rendering of Lithiated Tin Particle
2D Radiograph of Lithiated Tin Wire
Prof. Lambros with the University of Delaware Formula SAE Team, May 1997.
Current and former graduate students with Professor Lambros at SEM 2017
August 2017: Raeann Van Sickle joins the Lambros Research Group from Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University in Prescott, Arizona.
July 2017: Manue Martinez and David Foehring graduate from the AE MS Degree program.
June 2017: The lab group travels to the SEM Annual Conference in Indianapolis, IN.
August 2016: Renato Vieira joins the Lambros Research Group from the Catholic University of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.